Linda Kirchner

Each life is like a tapestry made through the handiwork of the Divine. No matter the color, creed, faith or station in life, the Master Creator has woven each life with colors, hues and patterns unique to that individual. Into my own tapestry, I could have never expected a new…

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Patrick O’Connell

In May, I packed my bags for a journey of a lifetime… a trip to the exotic and ancient land of Turkey as a guest of the Rumi Forum. I had my reservations about taking this trip. For years I’ve heard that Americans are not liked in many parts of…

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Andy Keiser

I did not know much about Turkey before my trip.  I knew it was nation rich with history, was a majority Muslim nation that was an important ally of the United States and that it was the home of the Roman Empire for a time. The most exciting part of…

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Sheryll Siddiqui

For one whose formal education was not in anthropology, theology or history, this trip to Turkey was a high-impact, factually overwhelming, and perspective-changing experience. It provided a study of peoples of different religions and philosophies, ancient and modern, side by side. My overall impression is that Turkey is a country…

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Leo D. Lefebure

I had never visited Turkey prior to my trip with the Rumi Forum. To prepare myself before the trip, I read a history, “Istanbul: The Imperial City,” and a history of the Ottoman Empire. From these books I learned a great deal about the glories of Turkey’s history, but I…

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Erik Weingardt

I was invited to attend a wonderful opportunity from the Rumi Forum. I was part of a small group of US ambassadors and communicators that were traveling together to experience Turkey unlike most people are able to experience from just visiting on their own. Before actually agreeing to go, I…

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Chad C. Causey

Prior to my travels with Rumi Forum, I was well aware of the strategic importance of Turkey to United States foreign relations in the Middle East. Turkey is figuratively and literally a bridge between West and East and a valuable ally in furthering U.S. friendships and trade relations in the…

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