Gulen In The Press – Part 2

Reflection on the article ‘The Heart’I recently read the article ‘the Heart’ written by Fethullah Gulen for the 91 Issue of the bimonthly periodical Fountain dedicated to scientific and spiritual thought. This article is about the essence of human’s heart and the importance of living …




Free Will by Fethullah GulenIn the 60th Issue of the bimonthly periodical called The Fountain Magazine, Fethullah Gulen addresses a very important concept – Free Will. Author states that this concept is fundamental to understand a human nature and philosophy of our lives. The …




Kyrgyz Scholars and Social Figures about M. Fethullah GulenReading Gulen’s latest books and interviews, we can fully regard him as the most important sage of modern society. He attained such a reverence with preciseness, thoughtfulness and credibility of his statements.




Comparative Analysyis of Gulen’s Toughts with Jusup Balasagyn on EducationWorld known Fethullah Gulen and his ideals are now getting a chance to spread all over the world. Particularly, his ideas of joyful nation and perfect example of a human became driving forces behind the widespread of Gulen inspired schools …




Gulen inspired schools a place of understanding and dialogueSince first schools and educational centers occurred in the world there have been undertaken many reforms and various efforts in order to improve system of education, by making it more effective and efficient. However, the progressive globalization of the world …




Review of the article “Happiness and Virtue: A Prophetic Example”I have just read the article named “Happiness and Virtue: A Prophetic Example” written by Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen for the 95 Issue of the bi-monthly magazine Fountain. In this article the author discusses the real meaning of happiness and …




The Light of Science and KnowledgeSeeking knowledge is a valued effort in the Islamic history. There are many hadith that encourage acquiring knowledge while Qur’an makes references to intellect and research in many verses. For this reason in Islamic civilizations there was never a clash …




Review of the article “Enigma of Time”I have read Fethullah Gulen’s article “Enigma of Time” in the newest 94 issue of Fountain, which is the bi-monthly educational magazine dedicated to scientific and spiritual thought. The aim of this beautifully written article is to describe tremendous value …




Review of the article ‘The Month overflowing with mercy’Ten years ago Fethullah Gulen wrote an article about the month of Ramadan. This article, the name of which is ‘The month overflowing with mercy’, can be found in the 44th Issue of Fountain, a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to scientific …




Make no excuses!The Honorable Fethullah Gulen issued a very important statement on the Kurdish problem and human rights in Turkey. He said human rights were “bestowed upon the humankind by God” thus making it impossible to impose any kind of restrictions by …

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