“Filotimo” and Gulen Movement

filotimo-gulen-movementSince Greeks and Turks lived together over 400 years. I am not sure who get what from who. Greeks and Turks are fighting over dolma, baklava, yogurt and etc. Recently, I noticed greek word “filotimo”.

Learning to live with filotimo begins at an early age when children learn to show respect and love for their parents and grandparents. Growing up, one begins to feel pride for their country and ancestry, helps friends with their problems and acts out of generosity without expecting anything in return. Being equal with others and respecting them is the key to realizing what filotimo means


While reading Fethullah Gulen’s work about the volunteers of Hizmet Movements, I see filotimo on steroids. It looks very genuine. If you look at the meaning of the filotimo, it really does not matter if it is Turkish or Greek. But, I wholeheartly believe that, in 21stcentury humanity as a whole desperately needs Fethullah Gulen’s ideas and/filotiomo more than they need Dolma and Baklava.

“The pursuit of knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim, male or female”. —Hadith

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